Everyone can learn to heal

Hi, I’m Cristin

I am so glad you are here. If you have found yourself in this space, then there is a high possibility that you are seeking healing of some sort. I am here to walk that path alongside you. Whatever pain has brought you here, it is my true honor to be able to help assist you in healing it.  

Feeling lost when faced with my own traumatic life events has resulted in me becoming a lifelong seeker of alternative methods of healing. Through my own transformation and healing journey, I draw from a deep well of compassion and wisdom which fuses a more intimate connection with my clients. I work with a variety of clientele from those seeking healing to enhance their lives and find peace to those seeking healing towards the end when crossing over. 

Healing can manifest in a variety of forms and look different for each person. Healing is not a bandaid or magical wand that erases disease or trauma, but rather a deep dive in learning how to uncover for yourself what is needed for you to live well and find peace within the parameters of the circumstance that is causing you to suffer. At times ailments can be alleviated in self-healing, other times it is the emotional parts of ourselves that need healing in order for the physical symptoms to ease. The one true consistent healing element for everyone I have worked with regardless of the situation or phase of life they are in is everyone is seeking a feeling of peace. The great news is….Self Healing Meditations provide that in the most beautiful and simple way. 

I personally have found Yoga Nidra & Self Healing Meditations to be the most precious gift during my healing journey. It is the place where I am devoid of discomfort, worry and fear and in touch with my true self. It brings me out of the depths of suffering and into a light and expansive state where I experience healing that in turn overflows into my daily life. 

I so look forward to sharing this gift of healing with you. 


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We are all just walking eachother home

– Ram DasS